
* 1525 Salzwedel
+ 06.10.1588 Salzwedel

* ?
+ 05.11.1610 Salzwedel

Stampel / Stampeel / Stampelius

Lübeckischer Superintendant, Vertreter der Niederlassungsfreiheit auch für Kalvinisten, Gründer der Lübecker Stadtbibliothek

* 16.11.1561 Salzwedel
+ 19.02.1622 Lübeck

Kinder mit: Barbara Götz / Götze (* 1583) (oo 06.10.1601 Salzwedel):

* 1604
+ ?
1.oo Aegidius Conrad Gvaltperium (+ 1640), Superintendent in Jever
2.oo Johann Donnerberg, Pastor zu Holmenkirchen in Friesland
* 13.08.1606
+ als Kind
* 1607
+ als Kind
* 04.02.1610
+ als Kind
* 1613
+ ?
* 1614
+ ?
* 24.08.1616
+ 10.12.1642
oo 12.11.1640 Uelzen: Peter Godofried, Hofapotheker
* 1617
+ ?
oo Johann Weber, Prediger an St.Ägidien zu Lübeck

- Wikipedia zum SOHN Georg: "Georg Stampelius (Latinisiert aus Stampel, * 1561 in Salzwedel; † 19. Februar 1622 in Lübeck) war ein lutherischer Theologe und Superintendent in Lübeck. Leben und Wirken Nach dem Studium der Theologie wurde StampeliusProfessor fÜr orientalische Sprachen und zeitweilig Rektor an der UniversitÄt Frankfurt (Oder). Neben exegetischen Studien beschÄftigte er sich auch mit Chronologie. 1611 wurde er als Pastor der Petrikirche nach Lübeck berufen. Als im selben Jahr der gerade zum Superintendenten berufene Christoph Butelius aus Stettin starb, wurde Stampeliusan seiner Stelle Superintendent und damit nach elfjÄhriger Vakanz Nachfolger des streitbaren Andreas Pouchenius. Nach dem unter Pouchenius fortgesetzten Kurs der konsequenten lutherischen Konfessionalisierung der Stadt und den damit verbundenen Streitigkeiten kehrten nun unter Stampeliusruhigere VerhÄltnisse ein. Allerdings kam es Über seine tolerantere Haltung, etwa zur Ansiedlung hollÄndischer Calvinisten in der Stadt, 1613/14 zu einem heftigen Streit mit seinem Amtskollegen an der Marienkirche, Anton Burchard, der jegliche Gemeinschaft zwischen Lutheranern und Reformierten als "SÜnde" verwarf. Trotz starken RÜckhalts, den Burchard unter seinen Kollegen genoss, gelang es Stampelius, ihn 1614 vom Rat als Inhaber des landesherrlichen Kirchenregiments absetzen und aus der Stadt weisen zu lassen. Zusammen mit dem Rektor des Katharineums Johann Kirchmann und dem BÜrgermeister Alexander LÜneburg gehÖrt Stampeliuszu den GrÜndern der Stadtbibliothek (Lübeck), die die BuchbestÄnde des Rathauses, der Schule und mehrerer Kirchen vereinigte. Werke (Auswahl) FÜr eine GesamtÜbersicht siehe Verzeichnis der im deutschen Sprachbereich erschienenen Drucke des 16. Jahrhunderts (VD 16) und Verzeichnis der im deutschen Sprachbereich erschienenen Drucke des 17. Jahrhunderts (VD 17) Tabulae Cosmographicae Seu Totius Universi Coeli Terraeque Delineatio Brevis, Tabulis Perpetuis, Facili Et Perspicua ratione, ita instituta, ut oculis quasi subiiciat praecipua rudimenta & principia Astronomica Cum Temporis & Calendarii ratione Meteorologica Geographica Et Chorographica Frankfurt (Oder): Thymius/Eichorn, 1609 Psalmorum Poenitentialium Explanatio Genuina: Ex Fontibus Ipsis Hausta: diversarum versionum, Chaldaicae, Graecarum, Latinarum, & Germanicarum collatione: & saniorum interpretum consensu, illustrata Frankfurt (Oder): Thimius, 1611 Achte Catechismus Predigten: Darinnen die HauptstÜck unsers Catechismi und Christlicher Religion... kurtz und richtig erkÄret. Zu Lübeck in S. Marien Kirchen. Lübeck: Jauch 1615 Historia Scholastica. seu Scholarum Theologicarum Ortus Et Propagatio. Ad Dignitatem & utilitatem illarum ostendendam. Additis Programmate publice proposito, Et Interpretationis sacrae delineatione Delineata & recitata Lübeck: Jauch 1616 Literatur[Bearbeiten] Wolf-Dieter Hauschild: Kirchengeschichte Lübecks. Christentum und BÜrgertum in 9 Jahrhunderten. Schmidt-RÖmhild, Lübeck 1981, ISBN 3-7950-2500-1, S. 288-290. Weblinks[Bearbeiten] Druckschriften von und Über Georg Stampelius im VD 17 "
- Lutherhaus-Eisenach: "Name: Stampel, Georg Alias: Geburtstag: 1561.11.16 Geburtsort: Salzwedel Sterbetag: 1622.02.19 Sterbeort: Lübeck Wirkung als: Pfarrer, Theologe, Schriftsteller"
- Pieter Holtrop: Commerce and Religion. Lutheranism in Lübeck versus Dutch Calvinism at the occasion of the Treaty of 1613 [Zur Rolle Georg Stampeels in der Diskussion über den Vertrag der Hansestadt Lübeck mit den holländischen Calvinisten]: "A leading role for Lübeck in the establishment of Lutheranism (1549-1577) The so-called Formula Concordiae, the Formel of Concord, was a confessional formulation from 1577, issued on the 25th of June in 1580, the jubilee of the Augsburg Confession. The Lutheran Church issued it in an attempt to heal the breach between extreme Lutherans and Calvinistic- minded Lutherans (followers of Melanchton). However, it did not heal the breach. The free cities of Hamburg and Lübeck were pro, Bremen and Frankfurt were against as were Lauenberg, Mecklenburg, and Braunschweig together with their respective cities. This choice in favor of the Formula established Lübeck’s leading role in the Northern part of Germany in the theologically complicated but politically relevant controversies within Protestantism of the day. By this decision, which received constitutional status, Lübeck was allied with Hamburg and the different duchies, but fenced off from Schleswig, Denmark, Pomerania and Prussia. However, this leading role had as its consequence that Lübeck, religiously and culturally speaking, became rigid and orthodox. The treaty The treaty almost released a civil war in Lübeck. The main adversaries were the ministerium and the city-council, which had the ecclesiastical authority. One minister, A. Burchard – silently and not so silently backed by a majority in the Ministerium – eloquently attacked the city council for entering into a treaty with Dutch Calvinists. The council defended itself and found support by the superintendent Stampelius, who was a good friend of one of the burgomasters, Brokes. The question was heatedly debated, not only in the Sunday and weekly church-services, but also in the streets and pubs. The arguments that were published in books and pamphlets were of a historical and biblical theological nature. None of the combatants was willing to give in. The controversy was battled out in three rounds. It started on the pulpits. Bible quotations were used to impart more authority to the own opinions. The moderate Stampeliuscontended that one could not condemn entire churches and faith-communities only because their faith was not in all respects correct. The apostle Paul did not expel the Colossians from the church because of some follies, did he? But Burchard hit back. The treaty was a folly. It is – he contended – like it was in the days of Noah, when the children of God mingled with the children of the darkness. And everyone knows what happened: the Flood. The following Sunday, Stampelius denoted Burchard in a sermon as “MÜnzerisch and WiedertÄuferisch to which Burchard answered when he met Stampelius the next day in the street, shouting “Who has taught you to lie? Perdat te dominus – the Lord may damn you”. Not very helpful in a discussion. So, the city-council ordered the two preachers not to release their views orally on the pulpit any longer, but rather on paper. A second round started. Within two months, Stampelius came with a scholarly script: Tractatus de foederibus, societate, conversatione ac cohabitatione cum diversae religionis hominibus, an et quatenus homini christiano concessa est aut concedenda (Tract about covenants, society, conversation and people of different religions living together, whether and to what extent it is admitted or to be allowed to a Christian). His view was that one should not compare a political treaty with a religious covenant. Besides, he argued that even on biblical grounds, a political treaty with people of other faiths could be defended. In his opinion, Burchard and his supporters failed to see the distinction between law and gospel, Old Testament and New Testament, as well as between church and state. He drew the line of Luther’s distinction of the two realms rather strict when he contended that the church was responsible for spiritual salvation and the state for temporary, political salvation. His conclusion was that it was legal and even a wise thing for the promotion of commerce, and beneficial to prosperity, to admit adherents of different confessions. Finally, he pointed out that no one ever complained about covenants within Hanseatic cities, even if those covenants comprised both Catholics and Calvinists. In his eyes, the treaty with the Dutch was not more than a continuation of former treaties. And last, but not least, he asked off-hand whether those who resisted the treaty actually expected many Dutch traders to come and take residence in Lübeck? A couple of weeks later, Burchard came with a lengthy tract in German. What he wrote was predictable: the treaty is a sin, Calvinists do not belong to the people of God. They are baptized, but the same applies to Roman Catholics. Calvinists might be allowed to live in Lübeck, but the people of God (i.e. the Lutherans) are under no circumstances admitted to form one society with them. This second round did not help either. On the contrary, the gulf between the opponents deepened. Other ministers openly choose the side of Burchard, pamphlets and books were published; unity in the society and peace in the city was at stake. In order to restore peace, the city-council decided to ask the juridical Faculty of Rostock and the theological Faculty of Giessen for advise. The advices came in during July 1614. The jurists judged that the treaty was not illegal a treaty is a political affair which comes under the council. They suggested that Burchard were to be advised to apologize to the authorities. The theologians from Giessen were even milder. They wrote: dass ein BÜndniss, wie es Lübeck mit den NiederlÄndern geschlossen habe, nicht zu den BÜndnissen gehÖre, welche im Alten Testament verboten und verdammet waren, da es lediglich zur Erhaltung der Schiffahrt und des Handels, auch mit einem Volke geschlossen sei, welches zwar der reinen Lehre nicht zugethan wÄre, jedoch den Lutheranern in seinem Lande Aufenthalt und ReligionsÜbung gestatte. They also were of the opinion that Burchard should be disciplined, albeit not too severely. These advices were not what the council had been expecting so they decided to push it a little further. They went so far as to fire Burchard and he was forced to leave, even without a letter of recommendation. He left the city, bewailed by his colleagues and many citizens. However, it did not damage Burchard’s career. He became a professor of Old Testament in Rostock and later a highly respected minister in Kiel. Stampelius, on the other hand, remained in Lübeck, but he had lost popularity, if he had had any. Time and again he was slandered both by people in the street and by his colleagues in the Ministerium. After his death, many years after this event, the council had to admonish the ministerium to stop defaming Stampelius. It took some time before order was restored in Lübeck. Perhaps it helped that the treaty soon lost its significance and that Calvinists from Holland were not very keen to settle in Lübeck, as already had been predicted by Stampelius. It is interesting to note that Burchard’s and Stampelius’ works appeared on the Catholic Index of banned books. ...”,"
- Google-Books: Genealogische und biographische Nachrichten über Lückeckische Familien aus ... von Georg Wilhelm Dittmer: "Stampelius Georg des Kastenvorstehers Paschasius St zu Snlzwedel S geb 6 Nov 156l studirte zu Helmstädt Tübingen und Rostock übernahm dann das Rectorat an der Schule zu Salzwedel begleitete als Hofmeister später den Sohn des von der Schulenburg nach Helmstädt und Frankfurt a O folgte 1NW dem au ihn ergangenen Rnfe als Professor der orientalischen Sprachen zu Frankfurt a O wurde 6ll zum Pastor an der Petri Kirche erwählt und 16l3 zum Superintendenten erhoben Jn dieser amtlichen Stellung vertheidigte er vom kirchlichen Standpunkte aus den von Lübeck mit Holland den Calvinisten geschlossenen Handelstractat gegen die Anfechtungen von Seiten des Pastors Burchard Er war ferner thätig bei Ab fassung der Schulgesetze und Gründung der Stadtbibliothck er starb am 19 Febr 1622 und war verheirathet mit Barbara Götz des Bürgermeisters Joachim G zu Schwede Tochter Auf seinem Epitaphium nebst Bildniß in der Marien Kirche neben der Beichtkapelle befindet sich die Jnschrift Uemori e crum 3korßio 8t mpolic 8oItc ueIlen8 viro cum omnium 6 8civlin rum tum vr ocivue lneoloßi e Henre ec u ünßu e 8cieüti in tructi88imo NccIe8i rum du u8 urdi88upel intenäenti viß nti88imo uxor moe8ti88im z c 8uit H c f cie 8pect nciu8 er t 8t m eIiu8 olim 8 crorum nti8te8 cl l I nliec tuu8 ngenü 6ote8 6oct e fgcunäi Iinßu e Nulti uß e romen8 coFnition 8 c ve8 8onri Wmperie8 z iet 8 vißil nti c näor rtitici8 pinßi non votuere m nu Not e 8unt cuncti8 c uil u8 uäiv 883 loc uentem üc ntißit ut midu8 K8t coznit l m viri m viri no8tri8 c u e ßr t viAedit in ori8 Dum l r v n vizer 8 in m re volv t c u 8 Zacharias Enkel von Georgs Bruder Stephan Seeretärs zu Salzwedel geb 24 Aug 1654 besuchte l670 die Güstrower und l67l die Quedlinburger Schule 1672 das Lyceum zu Magdeburg studirte 1674 zu Jena 1676 zu Frankfurt a O war dann eine Zeit laug Hauslehrer bei Hans von Wulf auf Krempelsdorf ging l680 nach Königsberg war 168l Reisegescllschafter eines Polnischen Edelmannes wurde 1683 Rector der Stadtschule zu Dirschan uahm 1685 seine Entlassung kam 1687 auf Veranlassung se nes akademischen Freundes des Bürgermeisters Dr Gercken uach Lübeck verheirathete sich hier mit der Wittwe des Schulcollegcn Hinrich Gammcliu übernahm 1693 die Cantorstelle an der Schule zu Schleswig wurde 1708 au Stelle des verstorbenen Lipenius Subreetor der Schule zu Lübeck 1725 in den Nuhestaud versetzt starb er am 9 Mai 173 l "
- Seitenlange Biographie in: Mark Brandenburg mit Berlin-Cölln 1506–1640: Mark Brandenburg mit Berlin ... By Lothar Noack:

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